We left at 3am to arrive at 6am. No traffic issues (everyone is still sleeping). Emerson hanging out with Daddy while we wait to be checked in. We head up to the operating room after signing all the papers. As we walk into the OR Em starts screaming. We wait in our assigned room until 8, when the casting will begin. They check her vitals, we sign consent forms, meet the nurse, anesthesiologist, the girl that will mold her brace, and the intern doctor. Daddy tickles Emmi and we cherish some real hugs while we wait (it will be 4 weeks before we can do either of those again). Emmi wearing her under cast shirt and content after some "happy medicine." This medicine helps her forget everything about the experience for the next 4 hours. They all tell us they will "take good care of our daughter" and she leaves for an hour. We wait in a small room for the phone call saying she is in recovery. The ...