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Showing posts from June, 2018

T-shirts and Toy Drive

We have decided to do orders for an awareness shirt and a toy drive.  See the order form for more information on the t-shirt.   T-Shirt Front T-Shirt Back Order Form We will also collect toys to donate to Shriner's in St. Louis.  We will collect these until we go back in September.  In our experiences they have used toys for two different situations.  Every kid that enters the hospital (siblings included) gets to pick a small toy out of the the treasure chest before they leave.  These toys are usually small, like small stuffed animals, a pack of cards, a princess wand, or a deck of cards.  After surgery, kids are also given toys.  This seems to usually consist of a book, stuffed animal and a bigger toy.   Thanks for your support and let us know if you have any questions.


We cut the trolls cast off at home and Em enjoyed a nice long shower. We had an 8 o'clock appointment in St. Louis.   We were there about 2 hours making sure the brace was perfect. Then we headed out for a little adventure. At the end of the day Emerson enjoyed her first swim of the summer!   The next appointment will be in September.  Now we just have to keep her in the brace.  Between the sweet little face begging to take it off, the horrible screaming when in her carseat, and the fact that she has learned to take it off herself, we may need some prayers!