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Cast #6

Today, Emerson has been in her cast for 2 weeks!

We took cast #5 off at home without any hiccups.  Her skin looked really good!

For Cast Off Weekend we went camping and Em enjoyed the sand, water, dirt, bugs, and lots of outdoor fun.  Emerson did complain a lot about her back hurting.

Casting Day we were scheduled to be there at 5:30 (3 hours away!).

Casting went smoothly.  We didn't get a copy of the x-ray but, Dr. Kelly said that she was holding in the upper 60's in the cast.

She picked out and bought her gummy bear tape.

This cast comes off August first and we get a knew brace.  Until then we will continue trying to have indoor fun this summer.  We are looking forward to meeting with Dr. Luhmann and hearing what his thoughts are.
