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Showing posts from January, 2019

Emerson Grew 4mm Today!

We were a little worried about how Em would react to the lengthening so last night,  I showed her this video .  We talked about how it would be loud,  but wouldn't hurt her.  She didn't sleep well.  I think I made her anxious. When we arrived she had a prelengthening x-ray to make sure everything was in place,  then they lengthen, then x-ray again. We thought she was going to cry but she was very brave and afterwards she was skipping down the hallway to the x-ray room. All of her x-rays looked good. They lengthened it 4mm and we go back in April for the next one.  Today we are so thankful for these magec rods and for the low dose x-ray machine. We just pray things continue to stay in place and she gets the full 27mm (about 2 years) out of these rods before needing new ones.  Thank you for your continued support!


I can't believe it's here already! Tomorrow we head to the doctor so Miss Emerson can have her first lengthening.  We are told it won't hurt,  but will feel weird and she may be sore while her body adjusts to growing. She will also have xrays done to make sure everything is still in its correct place.  We would appreciate prayers for safe travels,  a good xray,  easy lengthening and no muscle spasms afterwards.  As always,  thank you for supporting our princess.